So as of Tuesday around 2.30 am in the morning, I am sitting in bed wondering how I am going to sleep.As usual, my insomnia is back and it isn’t going away thanks to the various additions / improvements that nature and the universe has seen fit to bestow onto me; In their relative order: 1) A Girlfriend 2) A Curious Brain that wont go to sleep.

Notice the order and then proceed to psycho – analyze the sh**t out of that. God Knows it did not do me any good.

Side tales aside, I decided to go to bed around 9.00pm Monday, I ended up playing host to my girlfriend so that she could use my WiFi and my well sized desk for doing her assignments, It is now 2.00am and I am waiting for her to switch of the lights so the moths in my head can go to sleep, or ever to the light will they still swarm?

I then, while waiting for her to “clean up her act” decided to log on to YouTube and kill some time by watching anything mind bending . I ended up watching the YouTube Music Awards 2015

I watch the show to the end and still she is not  done.

Analyze this, A nerd + Insomnia + girlfriend drama + YouTube Music Awards + Political Satire and there, a revolution! The  idea that was me writing and maintaining a blog that had taken root five years ago just got implemented, and not because I was fucking lazy, but because the recipe for its success was all there ; a thought,

Big things deserve a stage of their own, to be prodded and recognized for what they are, big things!”

.. as this thought runs through my mind I cant help but figure the last piece of the puzzle to this ageless “curse of thought”….. small always rises to big, its in the nature of small to become big, its in the very nature of the universe itself.

So said, here is something to ponder upon, …call it philosophy or wise musings of a fatigued mind.

Why a Blog

This has been the question my uncanny self has consciously and subconsciously tried to answer for the past few years ever since I first had the idea, truth is I have no explanation to justify why I did not just go ahead and do it, all I have are excuses that not only have delayed me in the path that is my destiny but have eroded me of purpose.I try no to think about it much cause I end up having stray thoughts that turn into rambling that is then force-fed to you the reader,. but I will tell you this, for this is what I know to be true for me at this point of clarity that I have ascended into; It was bloody time,..quoting EMINEM(whom I have found myself listening to a lot lately, “…you only get one chance, do not miss a chance to blow ,this opportunity comes once in  a lifetime..”..not to forget I was prepared for the next chapter that is my life. It is time to align my ambitions in line with my goals, ambitions and calculated levels of purpose….and a blog is what will set my plan in motion..(Even if no one reads it, or gives a fuck, either way, I win).

Lessons you want to Learn

  • Big is the accumulation of small, no way around it, the concept of start small seems mediocre and far fetched but in prospect it is the very thing that sets us off into light year journeys and brings us back home.
  • Fight every small battle with yourself and determine the outcome,take no prisoners, no matter the result, you have moved a step forward
  • Time – an elusive dimension it is, the only way you control time is never. so as much as you’re fighting and winning , time is a losing game, no justification for losing time, only way you win is to take the dive and fall of the cliff.
  • All this theories are purely of an extremist sort but as it goes to show, side matters, you are either in it for the long run or you are not.
  • Success is unforgiving, It gives itself to the undeserving and eludes the worthy, It does not recognize hard work it only identifies with it.


  • Little things matter, Big things matter more
  • Sail with the wind, Rise against the tide
  • Time is not your b**tch
  • I am Insane

Might have gone off course, if you are smart enough you will figure out where and what it is I am talking about, otherwise, here is to the garbage on the internet, I add onto thee with this musings, till then….


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